I'm a programmer with 3 years experience with C# in the Unity3D and Windows Forms namespaces. I make games for fun and also for assignments at uni. In my spare time, I make utility apps to automate things or just generally improving my computer. I tend to frequent the System.Security namespace a lot and I have made apps to deal with encryption using RijndaelManaged and also RSA with support for more than 30,000 bits of encryption.
Most of the games I make are adventure/sandbox games and I tend to go for more immersive experiences rather than narrative and I also allow to the player to do a lot of things that they should usually be able to do, such as climbing over rocks that surround an out of bounds area, only to be shot in the head by the game manager.
I love making games and apps because it makes me think, mostly solving puzzles of my own creation using the limited vocabulary of C#, or even making my own custom classes to do certain functionality that I haven't been able to find elsewhere.